The novel titled Di Tron (Seeking refuge) by Binh Ca
Artworks shared the same prize include the novel titled Di Tron (Seeking refuge) by Binh Ca, the animated film entiled Khuc go muc (A rotten log) of the Vietnam Animation Studio; a collection of landscape and nature paintings by little painter Pho Van An (also known as Xeo Chu), 14; a children comic themed Ly and Chun – Tet is the first, the first is Tet ! by Dang Quang Dung (also known as Meo Moc); and a set of four children's books titled Khac Biet Moi Tuyet Lam Sao (It's great to be different) by writer Nguyen Hoang Vu and painters namely Ga's little world, Hoang Trung, Ru-oi, Linh Vuong.
Launched in 2020, De Men Arts Awards for Children aims at promoting and honoring works dedicated to children. The entries can be in one of several forms like literature, cinema, music, arts, theatre, photography, comic, traditional games or electronic games. The awards will include one grand prize named 'Cricket Knight' and others, 'Cricket Desire'.
De Men (Cricket) is named after the main character in the famous Vietnamese children's story, De Men Phieu Luu Ky (Diary of a Cricket) by To Hoai. This is one of the most popular stories of Vietnamese children for many generations.
In this year’s contest, the organization board, The Thao & Van Hoa (Sport & Culture) Newspaper, received more than 118 entries.
Last year, children’s best selling author Nguyen Nhat Anh was honored with the Cricket Knight prize for his work “Lam ban voi bau troi” (Make friends with Sky) at the first De Men (Cricket) Arts Awards for Children 2020
Animated film entiled Khuc go muc (A rotten log) of the Vietnam Animation Studio
Children comic themed Ly and Chun – Tet is the first, the first is Tet ! by Dang Quang Dung (also known as Meo Moc)
A collection of landscape and nature paintings by little painter Pho Van An (also known as Xeo Chu)
A set of four children's books titled Khac Biet Moi Tuyet Lam Sao (It's great to be different) by writer Nguyen Hoang Vu and painters namely Ga's little world, Hoang Trung, Ru-oi, Linh Vuong