In his remarks during the announcement ceremony, Chairman Pham Thien Nghia of the Dong Thap Province People’s Committee called upon the community to join hands in “bringing the crane flock back” by collaborating with Dong Thap Province to successfully achieve the objectives of restoring and conserving the sarus (red-headed) crane population not just for Vietnam but also for humanity in general.
According to the Chairman, the ecosystem at Tram Chim National Park has gradually recovered, with numerous bird species inhabiting the area in significant numbers. Critical plant species such as spike-rush (Eleocharis) and wild rice have flourished, creating an ideal habitat and rich food sources for sarus cranes.
In preparation for receiving the first sarus crane individuals, Tram Chim National Park has established a spacious 4-hectare breeding enclosure and completed necessary facilities. Chairman Pham Thien Nghia committed to closely collaborating with Thai partners to finalize legal documentation and procedures for promptly receiving the initial crane beings as per the signed agreement.

To ensure the plan’s effectiveness, the Dong Thap Province People's Committee Chairman recommended that relevant agencies support local residents around wetland areas in transitioning to sustainable economic models.
These include leveraging red-headed crane imagery and wetland ecosystems for ecotourism development, providing stable income sources and reinvestment opportunities in conservation efforts. Additionally, he suggested supporting environmentally-friendly agricultural practices to minimize impacts on natural ecosystems and increasing penalties for conservation regulation violations.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Quoc Tri suggested prioritizing detailed wetland zoning and implementing projects to restore natural water sources; planting plant species to ensure a rich food source for sarus cranes. In addition, water quality monitoring and management need to be strengthened, especially limiting the use of toxic chemicals in agricultural production near wetland areas.
Deputy Minister Nguyen Quoc Tri proposed applying digital technology to the management and monitoring of natural resources at Tram Chim National Park, aiming to improve management efficiency and monitor project progress.

The ceremony was attended by prominent officials along with a delegation from the Kingdom of Thailand.
In November 2023, the Dong Thap Province People’s Committee approved the Sarus Crane Conservation and Development Plan for 2022-2032. The plan aims to restore and develop the sarus crane population at Tram Chim National Park through breeding and reintroduction to their natural environment.
Over the 10-year period from 2022 to 2032, the plan targets breeding and releasing 100 crane individuals, with a minimum goal of ensuring that 50 birds survive, are capable of self-reproduction, and live year-round at Tram Chim National Park.