Agricultural products enjoying good export season

At the Northern bordering gates of Vietnam each day, hundreds of agricultural product trucks have customs clearance, showing a promising time for farmers this year.

Farmers in Bac Giang Province are harvesting and packaging fresh lychee for export

The lychee season has just begun, and by May 23, 2024, more than 4,200 tonnes of fresh lychee had been bought by Chinese businesses to transport via Kim Thanh II Border Gate in Lao Cai City. Every day, about 200 vehicles carrying fresh lychee from the provinces of Bac Giang and Hung Yen pass this border gate.

Because both lychee and longan in the North suffer from serious crop failures, the harvested ones are enjoying very lucrative prices and consumption is quite high.

At the two border gates of Tan Thanh and Huu Nghi in Lang Son Province, about 250 – 300 trucks have customs clearance for exported goods, mostly farm produce.

According to Deputy Head Phung Van Ba of the Customs Unit of Huu Nghi Border Gate (under the Customs Department of Lang Son Province), since this April, the quantity of trucks passing the border gates of this province to sell merchandise in China has been quite large, at around 400 vehicles per day on average. They mostly use the border gates of Huu Nghi and Tan Thanh. Around half of them transport agricultural products, and 50 electronic items.

On the opposite side, each day, approximately 600-800 trucks come for importing procedures. Deputy Head Ba said that due to this heavy workload, even at weekends, the staff at the province’s border gates are still on duty. Agricultural products passing these gates are mostly durians, dragon fruits, jackfruits, grapefruits, and lychees.

Deputy Head Nong Quang Hung of the Customs Unit of Tan Thanh Border Gate informed that besides common imported produce, since the beginning of 2024, there have been new items like wooden boards, coke, and construction machines.

For the first time, tractor-trailers have been imported into Vietnam via Tan Thanh Border Gate (Photo: SGGP)

Particularly, for the first time, tractor-trailers have been imported into Vietnam via Tan Thanh Border Gate. This leads to the estimated import-export turnover for the first 5 months of 2024 reaching $460 million, a rise of 60 percent compared to 2023.

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