Vietnamese surgeons saves rare renal infarction patient

Trung Vuong Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City yesterday announced to perform a surery to save a 51 year old man from rare renal infarction.
A doctor talks with  the man patient (sit) before being discharged (Photo: SGGP)
A doctor talks with the man patient (sit) before being discharged (Photo: SGGP)
The man in District 8 had experienced pain in abdomen for two days before going to have examination in Trung Vuong Hospital.
Scan results showed that his left renal artery was blocked where there were many blood clots and the man had the symptoms of renal infarction.
Worse, the above artery of his left kidney which provides third over four amount of blood supply for the kidney was totally blocked.
Surgeons decided to use heparin thrombolytic treatment for anticoagulation with intravenous heparin followed by oral warfarin .
The patients recovered afterwards and he was discharged on July 5.
Deputy Head of the hospital Dr. Le Nguyen Quyen advised people to go to nearby infirmary if they suffered pain in hips for hours to have timely treatment. Without timely treatment, they will be at risk of necrosis of the kidney which easily leads to kidney failure.
Renal infarction results from interruption of the normal blood supply to part of, or to the whole kidney. The main imaging differential diagnosis includes pyelonephritis and renal tumors.

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