Thu Duc City launches its information management system

The People's Committee of Thu Duc City in HCMC launched the information management system in Thu Duc City on August 7.

Delegates attend the launching ceremony of the information management system in Thu Duc City on August 7. (Photo: SGGP)

The information management system is a tool displaying specialized data from professional agencies, providing information related to sectors including traffic, planning, natural resources and environment, and other areas in Thu Duc City. The system helps specialized agencies and related units to use a shared platform of specialized data for referencing, information searching, conducting statistics, reporting, and making quick decisions.

Currently, the information management system has collected 157 out of 392 data layers for specialized agencies and related units and has provided 45 data layers for the public’s usage.


Speaking at the launching ceremony, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Thu Duc City Nguyen Ky Phung said that the information management system in Thu Duc City has contributed to the implementation of HCMC's theme for 2024 “Determination to effectively implement Digital Transformation and Resolution No. 98/2023/QH15 of the National Assembly.”

He suggested the specialized agencies and related units under the People's Committee of Thu Duc City regularly review and update data to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of information, enhancing the quality of management and meeting the needs of residents.

According to Head of the Department of Science, Technology, and Information of Thu Duc City, Nguyen Tran Phu Thinh, the information management system has collected 157 out of 392 data layers from specialized agencies and related units. The data is stored and displayed according to different sectors and departments, making it convenient to use.

The system is integrated with five specialized software applications, including planning information, construction permits, religious belief, technical infrastructure, and the tourism information portal of Thu Duc City. The People's Committee of Thu Duc City will regularly update and collect data from specialized agencies and related units.

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