Northern Vietnam hydropower plants urgently release floodwaters

Due to high water inflow and the forecast of heavy rain, two major hydropower plants in the Northwest and Viet Bac regions of Northern Vietnam will simultaneously release floodwaters this afternoon as ordered.

This morning, June 15, the Standing Office of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control urgently sent a dispatch to the command committees in the provinces of Son La, Hoa Binh, Tuyen Quang, Phu Tho, Vinh Phuc, and Hanoi, informing them about the flood release at the Son La and Tuyen Quang hydropower plants. This action is part of the inter-reservoir operation procedure on the Red River basin.

Accordingly, the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control ordered the Director of Son La Hydropower Company to open one bottom outlet gate of the Son La reservoir at 1 p.m. on June 15 and the Tuyen Quang Hydropower Company to open one more bottom outlet gate of the Tuyen Quang reservoir at the same time, bringing the total to two bottom outlet gates opened at this hydropower plant.

Therefore, the National Steering Committee urges the provinces listed in the urgent dispatch to immediately notify local authorities, residents, organizations operating along rivers and riverbanks, aquaculture facilities on rivers, water transport vehicles, ferry terminals, and to review and ensure the safety of ongoing construction projects, production activities, and sand and gravel extraction operations to ensure they are informed about the flood releases from the Son La and Tuyen Quang hydropower reservoirs, enabling them to take proactive measures to prevent risks and ensure the safety of lives and property.

Local command committees should instruct relevant agencies and units to collaborate with hydropower reservoir authorities to ensure the safety of curious onlookers near flood release areas. They should also promptly propose contingency plans to address any potential anomalies during the flood release process.

According to data from the Standing Office of the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, as of 7 a.m. on June 15, the upstream water level of the Son La reservoir was at 209.15 meters, with an inflow rate of 2,168 cubic meters per second and an outflow rate of 2,732 cubic meters per second for power generation. Meanwhile, the upstream water level of the Tuyen Quang reservoir was at 118.57 meters, with an inflow rate of 1,861 cubic meters per second and an outflow rate of 1,220 cubic meters per second through one bottom outlet gate and power generation.

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