More Vietnamese young patients suffer stroke

According to the Vietnam Stroke Association, the country has more than 200,000 fresh cases each year including 11,000 fatalities.

According to the Vietnam Stroke Association, the country has more than 200,000 fresh cases each year including 11,000 fatalities.

Those who nearly escaped from death because of stroke suffer malformation. By statistics,every 45 seconds, the world has one person suffer stroke and every 3 minutes, one dies of the disease. The disease is affecting around 20 percent of the whole world population.

The most surprising is that more Vietnamese young people suffer stroke nowadays.

Currently the People's Hospital No.115 is treating over 200 stroke inpatients and 10 percent of them are young people under 40.  Meantime, Dr. Nguyen Duc Vu from Nhan Dan Gia Dinh ( Gia Dinh People's ) Hospital said that in March the hospital treated 134 serious stroke inpatients and in first weeks of April, 2015, the hospital has treated nearly 100 patients.

And more young persons suffer the disease, added Dr. Vu.

Medical experts said that the rate of young people suffering stroke increased from 1.7 percent to 3 percent and the rate of male patients is four- fold higher than that of the female.

To prevent the disease, doctors advised people to treat high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, stop smoking and scheduled medical check-up evvery 3 or 6 months.

Doctors warned people to save the gold time- 3 first hours after the stroke - to rescue patients. In the golden hours, every minute passes, 2 million brain cells die. Accordingly, after three hours, the brain will damage totally and doctors also can not save patients.

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