The Indonesian news agency Antara quoted Minister Wiranto on January 18 as saying that combating the acts and threats of terrorism is the collective responsibility of all elements of the nation and that the BNPT should be able to coordinate with and synergise the huge potentials of the nation in carrying out counter-terrorism measures.
Thus, building synergy holds such importance that all related ministries and agencies must be encouraged to assist the preventive counter-terrorism measures, he said, adding that coordination among the Ministry of Finance, the National Development Planning Agency, and the Ministry of Social Affairs is needed during the process.
Some have suggested that one of the best ways to free Indonesia from the vicious circle of radicalism and terrorism is by empowering women in the country as they can actively help rescue Indonesian children from being misled by terrorist recruiters.
Indonesia has become the target of multiple terrorist attacks since 2000, and the spread of radicalism and terrorism continues to threaten the country to this day.
In May 2018, a church in the East Java city of Surabaya was attacked. Three years ago, Islamic State supporters in Indonesia launched a suicide bombing and shooting attack in Jakarta in January 2016, which led to the death of eight people.
The incident has added to the list of deadly assaults carried out by terrorist cells in Indonesia. From 2000 to 2012, more than a dozen attacks took place in the capital city, including the Australian embassy bombing in September 2004, and the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotel bombings in July 2009.