At the same time, the Ministry asked maternity infirmaries to liaise with relevant agencies to strictly follow Health Minister’s guideline of taking care of pregnant before and after giving birth.
As per the complaint, 26 year old pregnant in An Duong District was hospitalized the Maternity Hospital to undergo a Cesarean -section. Doctors told her that she gave birth to a baby boy weighing 3.2kg. Because the baby had breathing problem, he was transferred to intensive care unit.
One day after, when recovering, the baby was handed over to the mother who surprised as the baby turned out not to be the gender announced by medical workers before. Believing that there was a mistake, the baby’s family asked for verification.
Informed the case, the hospital management board soon convened the surgeon team to check the procedure. Through checking, the number of bangle on the baby and the mother are both 418.
Nevertheless, nurses mistakenly wrote wrong gender of the baby in the mother’s medical records.
Furthermore, ADN tests proved that she is the mother of the new born baby girl.