Domestic violence increases in Vietnam

Currently the public has raise voice over a question that why family violence in Vietnam has increased in modern time?

Currently the public has raise voice over a question that why family violence in Vietnam has increased in modern time?

The rate of divorce over marriage in big cities  was 3/1 in 2014.

The cause of divorce may be different views in lifestyle, including economic factors, adultery and family violence. Among them, domestic violence accounts for 60 percent of all cases. Domestic violence is culprit of criminal cases; for instance, a man drove the corpse of his son-in-law to police station to give himself up after he had killed his son-in-law because the son-in-law beats his daughter many times.

According to statistics of the Committees for Social Affairs showed that 25 percent of spiritual violence takes place in Vietnamese families; around 15 percent women were beaten by her husband; nearly 80 percent of women were insulted by her husband, 70 percent of women were left abandoned and 30 percent of women were forced to have sex by her husband. The consequences of domestic violence caused spiritual hurt; suicide and other consequences.

There have been several causes of family violence including drinking alcohol, drug addiction, adultery and difficult economic condition and even wrong conception of gender equality.

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