The meetings took place on the occasion of Minh’s participation in the fifth Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Foreign Ministers' Meeting and Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Laos.
Meeting with Wang Yi, Minh expressed his sympathies to China over the losses caused by COVID-19 and hoped China will overcome this difficult time soon.
Regarding Vietnam-China relations, Minh suggested the two sides enhance political trust via high-level delegation exchanges, and carry out activities to mark the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations.
He recommended improving the efficiency of cooperation in all arenas, coordinating to effectively address border and territory issues, and strengthening locality-to-locality cooperation and people-to-people exchanges.
The official asked China to continue applying measures to narrow Vietnam’s trade deficit, and facilitate the export of Vietnamese goods to the market, especially farm produce.
He also called for more attention to solving problems in some cooperation projects, particularly the Cat Linh-Ha Dong urban railway.
On the sea issues, Deputy PM Minh highlighted Vietnam’s stance of continuing to work with China and other countries in search of measures to maintain peace, security and stability in the East Sea, while facilitating the negotiations on a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).
For his part, Wang Yi thanked Vietnam for supporting China in the fight against COVID-19.
He said China is willing to increase the import of Vietnamese products and will actively coordinate with Vietnam to solve existing problems in the bilateral cooperation projects.
He affirmed China’s support for Vietnam in shouldering the role of the ASEAN Chair 2020 and a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2020-2021.
At a meeting with the Lao foreign minister, host and guest agreed to boost cooperation in implementing agreements reached by the two countries’ leaders and at the 42nd session of the Vietnam-Laos intergovernmental meeting in January.
The two sides agreed to intensify the implementation of the foreign ministries’ cooperation agreement for 2014-2020 and review the piloting of the one-stop-shop mechanism at the Lao Bao-Densavan border gate.
Both countries pledged to strengthen coordination at regional and international forums.
Sharing their mutual concerns over the complicated development of COVID-19, the two sides agreed that ASEAN countries should strengthen coordination and take prompt actions to cope with the disease.