Around 4,000 Vietnamese people die from asthma attacks annually.

The figures were released at a meeting and scientific seminar on asthma, held in Hanoi on May 10 by Hanoi-based Bach Mai Hospital and the Vietnam Association of Asthma, Allergies and Clinical Immunology, in response to World Asthma Day, which is usually held in the first week of May.
In addition, approximately four million asthma sufferers in the country, accounting for five percent of the country’s population, of whom, 8-12 percent are children, according to Health Deputy Minister Nguyen Thi Xuyen at the meeting.
Moreover, 62 percent asthma sufferers across the country have not received long-term preventative treatment meanwhile 65 percent people can not control their asthma attacks.
The theme of the meeting was “Is your asthma under your control” because asthma control plays key role in the anti-asthma treatment program yet the rate of asthma control in the globe is still very low, at 5 percent.
Environmental pollution, rampant use of medicine and chemicals in treatment and life, pressure living speed, bad weather, and lack of knowledge of asthma disease are causes of the disease.
According to the Director of the Vietnam Association of Asthma, Allergies and Clinical Immunology, Nguyen Nang An, said that research conducted by the Asia-Pacific Association has show that Vietnam ranks 7th out of 12 surveyed countries in the region in terms of asthma control.
Among dignitaries guests at the meeting were Hen, Bach Mai Hospital’s director Nguyen Quoc Anh, former director of the hospital Tran Thuy Hanh, representatives from relevant agencies and hospitals.