Telecom service provider VTC Telecom has had its license to supply services revoked for failing to offer basic telecommunications services for the past several years.
According to the Ministry of Information and Communications, since obtaining its license in October 2005, VTC Telecom has violated the Ordinance on Post and Telecommunications by failing to offer Internet services as assured and without providing a reason for the delay.
The company saw its license officially invalid on February 26.
In order for the company to have its license reinstated, VTC Telecom will have to prove it has addressed the noted problems and is capable of adhering to its outlined business pledges, said the ministry.
VTC Telecom is a joint stock company, with nearly 50 percent of its shares held by the Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Group (VNPT). Its major fields of business are manufacturing, assembling, telecom, electronic equipment, installation and maintenance of telecommunications, electric and electronic works, and producing “smart” cards.