Policemen detect cultivation of poppy plants

Police officers in Kbang District in Gia Lai Province said that they had just coordinated with To Tung commune authorities to pay a visit to a household discovering that the owner of the house grows poppy plants.

Policemen detect poppy plants

In a vegetable garden planted by a household, the police discovered 485 poppy plants. Through an inspection at the vegetable garden owner's house, the police also found three boxes of poppy sap.

After receiving information that a 53-year-old man was growing poppies, law enforcement officers soon carried out an inspection of the vegetable garden of resident Trieu Van Thu in Cao Son village in Tung Commune of Kbang District. At the house, policemen discovered that 485 herbs suspected to be opium poppy were growing in the garden. Initially, Mr. Thu admitted that all of the above was opium poppy.

Serving a search warrant at the house, the police also discovered and confiscated three plastic boxes containing a black solid substance, which Mr. Thu claimed to be opium sap. The police confiscated all of the above opium poppy plants and related exhibits.

Currently, Kbang district police are investigating and clarifying the case.

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