Police raid many clinics in Dong Nai Province’s Bien Hoa City

At noon of May 30, the Police of Bien Hoa City raided many clinics, checked and sealed off documents at the sites.

The police forces included mobile police, local police along with quarter guards.

Numerous police officers and mobile forces checked notebooks, laptops and computers at Tan Long and Long Binh Tan clinics in Long Binh Tan Ward, sealed off and placed many documents into carton boxes to serve further investigation under the witness of representatives of the People's Procuracy of Bien Hoa City.

At the time of checking, both clinics stopped accepting people for medical examination activities.

This is a special case of Bien Hoa City Police.

Some photos feature activities of checking notebooks, computers, documents and papers at the clinics in Bien Hoa City this afternoon:

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