Police handled 358,803 cases of violations in January, seized 59,764 vehicles and collected the sum.
Also in January, police investigators have detected 3,750 criminal cases arresting 8,668 criminals and destroyed 152 gangs as well as encouraged 636 criminals to give themselves up to police stations.
Additionally, police detained 4,854 people who participated in games, destroyed large-scale rings of online sports betting and gambling and enhanced investigations on corruptions and bribery.
Last but not least, police force handled smuggling, commercial frauds and sales of low-quality commodities ahead of Tet holiday. They filed legal proceedings against 719 offenders who committed crimes in cases of economic violations and corruptions.
Police also destroyed drug criminals in hot spots for drug sales and transportation, border crossings. They arrested 5,152 criminals when smashing 3,743 drug trafficking seizing 50 kilograms of heroin, 450,000 crystal meth tablets and 31 kilogram of marijuana.
Local police force kept 701 criminals who transported and sold firecracker seizing nearly 14 tons of firecracker.