According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, until December 2023, there were over 11,000 OCOPs from 5,600 entities obtaining three-star rating, which excellently fulfills the target of the 2021-2025 period to have 10,000 such.
Director Nguyen Minh Tien of the Center for Agricultural Trade Promotion (under the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry) commented that the quality of OCOPs has greatly increased compared to the beginning time of the program. Many new products do not merely rely on the uniqueness of the locality but can also satisfy the demands of modern consumers. These merchandise items have attractive packaging and approach potential customers via different channels like supermarkets or malls.
However, economic experts are concerned that there is monotony and overlapping among these OCOPs. In certain localities, the OCOP model is only a kind of short-term movement. The local authorities merely encourage commercial entities to startup through this model, but do not provide further support related to market expansion or customer connection. Therefore, followers of the model have to slowly seek their target clients, while the manufacturing scale is rather small.
Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien shared that true to the name, an OCOP must be a unique product of one area or commune. It must play the role of an ambassador conveying personal stories of humanity and history of that area.
Minister Le Minh Hoan of Agriculture and Rural Development stated that there is still great potential for the growth of OCOPs in Vietnam. What is urgently needed right now is the implementation of science-technology and innovative ideas to introduce more novel products.
Economists said that besides the help of the State in releasing suitable policies and mechanisms, OCOP commercial entities themselves have to promote their own trades, seek possible customers, improve the appearance of their products, and more importantly, increase the quality of these merchandise items.
For a more stable output, in addition to participating in trade fairs and exhibitions or marketing goods on social network sites, trading floors, it is essential to boost product quality so that these items can be accepted in modern distribution channels like convenience stores, supermarkets. The good news is that until now, all provinces in Vietnam have distribution points for OCOPs.
Vice President Paul Le of Central Retail Vietnam stressed that supermarkets wholeheartedly welcome OCOPs as long as their designs are compatible with the shelf space here and can ensure food safety.
Finally, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development proposed that for OCOPs to sell more in the country and expand their market globally, there are three key goals to fulfill. The product quality must be enhanced via the use of science-technology, the packaging must be attractive, and brand building associated with traceability must receive more attention so that the product can satisfy criteria of renowned certificates in the field.