Ministry urges to update information on measles to prevent public panic

The Ministry of Health has requested localities to regularly provide acute information on the development of measles to prevent public panic.

The Ministry of Health urges to update information on measles to prevent public panic

Moreover, the Ministry simultaneously has urged increased communication to encourage parents to have their children vaccinated fully and on schedule.

Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong has just sent a document to the People's Committees of provinces and cities regarding the enhancement of measures to prevent and control measles outbreaks.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Health stated that from the beginning of 2024 until now, the number of measles cases has increased more than eight times compared to the same period in 2023 and is showing an upward trend in some localities. Recently, Ho Chi Minh City officially announced a measles outbreak in the city.

To prevent and control the spread of measles in the community, the Ministry of Health recommended that localities proactively implement measures to combat the outbreak during the back-to-school season and enhance the vaccination campaign against measles.

The Department of Health and local authorities need to continue closely monitoring the developments of the epidemic situation and supervise to detect infection cases early while thoroughly addressing outbreaks, regularly assessing risks and analyzing the disease situation for timely and effective measures.

The Ministry of Health also suggested that people's committees in provinces and cities direct local media to regularly coordinate with the health sector to update information on the disease situation so that the public can take proactive measures for disease prevention and avoid panic and anxiety in public opinion.

Measles is a Group B infectious disease caused by the measles virus. It is common in children under 5 years old and can also occur in adults due to not being vaccinated against measles or receiving insufficient doses of the vaccine.

Currently, there is no specific treatment for measles, which is easily transmitted through respiratory droplets from infected individuals or through direct contact with contaminated surfaces or hands.

According to the Ministry of Health, vaccination is an effective measure to prevent measles, and the transmission of the disease can only be interrupted when the immunity rate in the community exceeds 95 percent.

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