Ministry reports on economic progress, outlines future strategies

The Ministry of Planning and Investment yesterday announced a summary of the national economic status for the first 6 months of 2024, aiming for a higher GDP growth rate than international projections.

Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung is delivering his speech

Accordingly, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung first pointed out impressive achievements of his ministry. It has taken the lead in reform tasks by closely monitoring and grasping the situation. In addition, it has done a good job of analysis and forecasting, affirming its consistency with the priority goal of promoting growth while maintaining macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation, and ensuring major economic balances.

Three strategic breakthroughs have been made, and decentralization has been promoted to offer favorable conditions for state agencies as well as localities to maximize resources, proactiveness, and flexibility in fulfilling set targets.

However, as stated by Minister Dung, there are still limitations and shortcomings, such as tardiness in certain projects and unsuccessful coordination with some ministries, state agencies, and localities.

The Minister then informed the decision of the Government that the growth scenario for 2024 should be at 6.5-7 percent, higher than the goal of 6-6.5 percent in the National Assembly’s resolution as well as international projections (IMF forecasts Vietnam's growth in 2024 to be 5.8 percent, WB is 5.5 percent, ADB is 6 percent).

The meeting to summarize the national economic status in the first 6 months of this year

To reach this rate, he requested ministries, state agencies, and localities to recover faster; achieve higher and more sustainable growth rates; better exploit growth resources, opportunities and advantages; resolutely adopt the new institutional and policy framework; and strongly promote new thinking and vision in the approved planning.

State officials in the field must strongly support and consult businesses to overcome their own obstacles.

Another important mission according to Minister Dung is to have a public investment disbursement rate of more than 95 percent of the plan set forth by the Prime Minister in order to have a lucrative environment to attract private investments as well as FDI capital.

The final missions mentioned by the Minister are the research, development, and completion of the project for a regional and international financial center in Vietnam, and the development of a decree on the establishment, management, and use of investment support funds.

"There are still cases of loose observance of disciplines. Some individuals are still afraid of taking responsibility for their tasks or lack enthusiasm to contribute to the national growth”

Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung

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