Middle-aged woman in HCMC dies of meningococcal disease

The HCMC Department of Health yesterday reported a death of a middle-aged woman who experienced meningococcal disease.

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The patient is a 52-year-old woman from Binh Chanh District who initially presented with symptoms of fever, chills, body aches, and the appearance of pinkish-purple patches spreading from her arms to her entire body.

She was transferred to the HCMC Hospital for Tropical Diseases on September 24 in a state of rapid breathing and was diagnosed with septic shock due to fulminant meningococcal disease. Despite medical workers’ concerted efforts in saving her, the patient passed away six hours after being admitted.

Immediately afterward, the HCMC Center for Disease Control (HCDC) coordinated with the Binh Chanh District Health Center and the Da Phuoc Commune Health Station to conduct an epidemiological investigation. The results recorded two close contacts with the patient, but they have not shown any suspicious symptoms.

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