Whooping cough: Two pediatric patients in Lao Cai in critical condition

Two infants are in critical due to life-threatening complications caused by whooping cough (or pertussis) in the Northern Province of Lao Cai.

One of the two patients is being treated at the hospital

In the first months of this year, many localities in the Northern region discovered patients with whooping cough. Most recently, Lao Cai Province reported two pediatric patients aged only 3 and 17 months old infected with this disease.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Lao Cai Province informed that this locality has just recorded two pertussis pediatric patients including 17 months old and 3 months old in Duong Quy Commune of Van Ban District. The two kids were hospitalized in critical condition with acute respiratory failure, and paroxysmal cough, requiring mechanical ventilation.

After receiving positive diagnosis results for B.Pertussis bacteria (whooping cough bacteria) conducted by Hanoi-based hospitals, these two pediatric patients were immediately isolated and actively treated at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital in Lao Cai Province. Up to now, both have overcome the critical condition and are gradually recovering their health.

To cope with the widespread development of whooping cough in the area, the Provincial Center for Disease Control has issued a document requesting healthcare establishments to strengthen monitoring and investigation of related cases. At the same time, all health facilities in this province to proactively implement preventative measures against this dangerous acute infectious disease.

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