The objective of the Project is to establish a minimum of one or two networks of outstanding and skilled training centers within each key technology sector of Industry 4.0. Specifically, in the domains of artificial intelligence, the semiconductor industry, and biotechnology, it is anticipated that at least two or three networks of exceptional and proficient training centers will be created across the North, Central, and South regions.
Prominent universities lead each center of excellence and talent network, which includes at least five higher education institutions and numerous domestic and global enterprises.
In accordance with the project's objectives, each network is required to implement a minimum of one high-quality program encompassing adaptive, retraining, advanced, and specialized training for human resource development in priority Industry 4.0 technology domains.
Furthermore, each network will endeavor to recruit at least 100 distinguished scientists and experts, including Vietnamese nationals residing abroad and foreign professionals, to contribute to teaching and scientific research within Vietnamese higher education institutions.
The project outlines four key tasks and corresponding implementation strategies, which include: conducting research, reviewing, and recommending mechanisms and policies aimed at achieving significant advancements in training activities within selected priority technology sectors of Industry 4.0; establishing, strengthening, and enhancing training centers in these priority technology areas in Vietnam; advancing and refining the capabilities for teaching, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship at leading training centers and among talents in the priority technology fields of Industry 4.0 in Vietnam; and fostering international collaboration and integration in training within these priority technology sectors of Industry 4.0.
Tuition assistance and scholarships are being provided to enhance the quality of education for students in several key technology sectors associated with Industry 4.0.
Simultaneously, the Project invests in and supports the establishment of high-quality training centers focused on priority Industry 4.0 technologies across the country. In addition, this initiative seeks to transform select leading higher education institutions into premier centers for postgraduate training and talent development in critical technology fields.