Video shows former investigator receiving bag supposedly containing $450,000

A video evidence recording former investigator Hoang Van Hung receiving a bag supposedly containing US$450,000 from defendant Nguyen Anh Tuan was showed at the court this morning.
Defendant Hoang Van Hung at the court.

Defendant Hoang Van Hung at the court.

A video evidence recording former investigator Hoang Van Hung receiving a bag supposedly containing US$450,000 is showed at the court on July 21

This morning, during the question and answer section to clarify the acts of the accused in the repatriation flight case during the Covid-19 pandemic, a representative of the People's Procuracy showcased a video recording former investigator Hoang Van Hung receiving a bag from defendant Nguyen Anh Tuan which was supposed to contain US$450,000 to buy justice.

Under the indictment, defendant Hoang Van Hung received money many times from Nguyen Anh Tuan who was former Deputy Director of the Hanoi Department of Public Security.

Being the main investigator in the case of repatriation flights before September 2022, Defendant Hung had received money to buy justice for the two accused namely Nguyen Thi Thanh Hang and Le Hong Son who were leaders of Bluesky Company at that time.

Defendant Hung was then transferred to another position so he had not had any authority related to the case. However, Hung appropriated US$800,000 and was accused of the criminal act of ‘fraudulent appropriation’ of assets.

The Procuracy showcases contents related to defendant Hoang Van Hung at the court

Regarding the last time of receiving US$450,000, the prosecutor said that Hoang Van Hung used to declare receiving nothing from defendant Tuan. When the video was screened, defendant Hung confirmed that he received the bag containing four bottles of wine instead of US dollar cash.

During the question and answer section this morning, the People's Procuracy said that defendants Tuan, Hung were not film directors or scriptwriters able to create a perfect script as mentioned above to calumniate Hung. Therefore, Hoang Van Hung identified to infringe the act of fraudulent appropriation of US$800,000 was completely dependable.

Hoang Van Hung was the most knowledgeable person in criminal law among the 54 accused at the court so Hung should raise awareness of his violations, repent, and rescue his conscience and morality. However, Hung took advantage of his legal competence to deal with the law.

The accused denied the crime, insulted the investigation agency and the Procuracy, and put pressure on other accused. The Procuracy assessed and maintained its stance on the prosecution against former investigator Hoang Van Hung and requested the panel to evaluate and consider the case of Hung.

During the question and answer section, the Procuracy showcased the contents related to the interrogation of Hoang Van Hung and the documents demonstrated that the prosecution of Hoang Van Hung was right.

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