Authorities attribute the positive trend to stricter regulations and enhanced enforcement measures aimed at improving road safety nationwide. The decree, which outlines administrative sanctions for traffic violations, introduces a points-based system for driving licenses, including point deductions and restorations.
Police officials reported notable improvements, particularly across three key criteria. In addition to the decline in accidents, traffic police have intensified enforcement efforts, handling more than 70,000 cases of alcohol-related violations and nearly 600 cases involving drug use in the past month. Authorities credit the enhanced measures for fostering greater compliance and reducing high-risk behaviors on the roads.
Specifically, according to the latest data from the Traffic Police Department, from January 1 to January 31, there were 1,702 road traffic accidents nationwide, killing 917 people and injuring 1,163 people compared to the same period in 2024, down 26.29 percent in the number of cases, down 1.72 percent in the number of deaths, down 37.71 percent in the number of injuries.
During the 9-day Tet holiday alone, there were 445 traffic accidents nationwide, killing 209 people and injuring 373 people. Traffic accident-related emergencies saw a notable decline during the nine-day Tet holiday compared to the same period last year, according to health sector statistics. The number of emergency visits suspected to be caused by traffic accidents dropped by 11 percent, while fatalities linked to road incidents fell sharply by 28.9 percent.
A particularly positive trend was the significant reduction in severe injuries requiring emergency surgery, highlighting the effectiveness of enhanced traffic safety measures and stricter enforcement during the holiday period.
In addition, in handling violations, the national traffic police force detected and handled more than 327,000 violations; revoked the right to use driving licenses and professional certificates of 27,800 cases; more than 28,700 driving licenses were deducted points; the authorities also temporarily detained more than 1,800 cars and more than 93,700 motorbikes.
A representative from the Traffic Police Department highlighted a significant decrease in traffic violations since the implementation of Decree 168. This suggests an increased awareness of traffic safety regulations among the public, with many drivers now voluntarily complying with traffic laws even in the absence of police presence.
A notable improvement in traffic flow has been observed since the implementation of Decree 168. Drivers are now demonstrating strict adherence to traffic signals and maintaining proper lane discipline, effectively eliminating the previous instances of indiscriminate stopping and parking within traffic lanes. As a result, traffic congestion has been significantly mitigated, with congestion now primarily localized and typically resolved within two to three traffic light cycles. This positive transformation in traffic behavior has garnered praise from international visitors, who have expressed their appreciation for the improved discipline exhibited by drivers.
In the coming time, the traffic police force will increase patrols, control and strictly handle six groups of behaviors that are the main causes of traffic accidents. In response to ongoing traffic safety concerns, the Traffic Police Department will advise the Ministry of Public Security to direct local police units to work closely with provincial and municipal people’s committees on urgently reviewing and improving road traffic infrastructure.
Authorities emphasize the need for synchronized and well-planned infrastructure development that aligns with economic growth, social demands, and the increasing volume of vehicles on the roads. Strengthening traffic systems is seen as a crucial step in sustaining recent improvements in road safety and accident reduction.