Three workers die from gas poisoning in hydroelectric tunnel in Lai Chau

Lai Chau provincial functional agencies are investigating to clarify the cause of the death of three workers while constructing a hydroelectric tunnel in Nam Nhun District, Lai Chau Province.

At the hydroelectric tunnel entrance

According to information from Lai Chau province, the provincial police received a report of a gas poisoning incident during the construction process of a tunnel at the Nam Cuoi 1 hydroelectric dam in the early morning of July 11. At the site, three workers were trapped.

Accordingly, Nam Cuoi 1 Joint Stock Company is an investor and T&D 86 Company is a construction unit of the hydroelectric project.

The accident suddenly occurred in an area of Long Ngai village, Nam Hang Commune, Nam Nhun District at 3:50 a.m. on July 11.

Upon receiving the report, Colonel Le Anh Hung, Deputy Director of Provincial Police along with leaders of the People’s Committee of Nam Nhun District and the Nam Nhun District Police were present at the incident site to direct the rescue plans.

Rescue forces are at the tunnel entrance to search for the victims. (Photo: Lai Chau Police)

By 8:30 a.m. on the same day, the rescue forces approached the tunnel entrance to survey and assess the incident site.

Two hours later, three workers were found dead and by 12:30 a.m. all three bodies were brought out of the tunnel.

Following the latest news from functional agencies regarding the incident, three victims were residents of Lai Chau, Yen Bai and Ha Giang provinces.

After completing the initial investigation, the authorities handed over the bodies of the victims to their families for burial service.

The local leaders and funtional forces are implementing a rescue plan for three workers in the hydroelectric tunnel. (Photo: Lai Chau Police)

Currently, the Criminal Investigation Department under the Lai Chau Provincial Police is collaborating with the Lai Chau Provincial People's Procuracy to verify and determine the cause of the incident as well as the responsibilities of individuals and organizations involved, and handle strictly violations if any.

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