Head of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency Yongyut Juntararotai said that the amendment of the AEDP, which was issued in 2018 towards 2037, targets an increase of power generated from waste from 500MW to 900W, thus dealing with the overload of recyclable waste.
Under the adjusted plan, renewable energy will contribute 29,358MW to the total power production, accounting for 33 percent of Thailand’s power generation in 2037.
Among renewable power resources in 2037, solar power is expected to contribute 15,574MW, while the contribution of biomass power is 5,786MW, wind power 2,989MW, hydropower 3,000MW, and waste-sourced power 900MW.
According to the plan, the Thai Ministry of Energy will pool ideas of the community in this August before presenting it to the National Energy Policy Committee.
The price of renewable electricity is forecast to remain unchanged.