Tax pressure, heavy borrowing burden tourism businesses

On the afternoon of July 17, Ho Chi Minh City's Department of Tourism, in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City Investment and Trade Promotion Center, hosted the 247th Business-Government Dialogue Conference.

At the conference, significant interest persisted in tax incentives and low-interest loans. Specifically, some businesses highlighted cases where large deposits for air tickets and hotels, totaling tens of billions of Vietnamese dong, directly impact working capital. There were also discussions on the need for targeted support from banks and the tourism industry, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Regarding these matters, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Tourism noted that the National Assembly and the Government have recently introduced numerous policies on tax exemptions, reductions, and extensions for businesses. They further proposed that the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department review legal regulations and implement suitable support measures for tourism enterprises in the coming time. Addressing banking issues, the department pledged to actively address challenges faced by businesses within the banking policy framework and promptly relay these concerns to the State Bank of Vietnam for effective resolutions.

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