Quang Tri urges preventive measures against foot-and-mouth disease spreads

As of September 2 morning, Quang Tri Province announced that foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in hoofed animals has spread to two more communes of Hien Thanh and Vinh O in Vinh Linh District.

Foot-and-mouth disease in hoofed animals has spread to Vinh Linh District, the Central province of Quang Tri.
The foot-and-mouth disease is found in sloven hoof animals.

Vinh Linh has been the third district in the Central province of Quang Tri to record the disease outbreak so far, following two mountainous districts of Huong Hoa and Dakrong.

According to Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Tri Province Nguyen Phu Quoc, the foot-and-mouth disease in hoofed animals has been found in eight communes and towns across the three districts of Huong Hoa, Dakrong and Vinh Linh, with a total of 462 infected cattle.

Among them, 13 cattle have died from the disease and 193 ones have recovered from symptoms of the disease.

At the current time, the locality is prioritizing vaccination efforts for livestock in the three districts in advance of September 10.

Other districts strive to complete vaccination in cattle by September 15.

Vaccination efforts are urged in the disease-hit areas.

Additionally, the local authorities are intensifying preventive measures and resources to control the outbreak of the foot-and-mouth disease and prevent further spread; urging vaccinations in the disease-hit areas; halting the buying, selling, transportation and slaughter of cattle; tightening regulations on the slaughter of susceptible animals such as pigs and goats in the outbreak areas until further notice as well as guidance from functional agencies are delivered.

On the same day, the Quang Tri Provincial People's Committee had sent an urgent directive to assign the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to receive 27,000 doses of bivalent type А, О FMD vaccines and 3,500 liters of Benkocid, which is a chemical disinfectant from national reserves, provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to support the province in combating the disease outbreaks.

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