Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan: A beacon of agricultural excellence, dedication

Although Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan is gone, his passionate spirit for innovation and dedication to the development of the agricultural sector and the improvement of farmers' lives continues to shine brightly.

Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan visits a jackfruit farmer in the Mekong Delta.

Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan, a towering figure in Vietnamese agriculture, has recently passed away. Although he is gone, his passionate spirit for innovation and dedication to the development of the agricultural sector and the improvement of farmers' lives continues to shine brightly. The story of his scientific approach, creativity, and work ethic is captured by Sai Gon Giai Phong Newspaper’s reporter through the accounts of those who worked closely with him.

The man who ignites a passion for creativity

Engineer Ho Quang Cua was among the first students of Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan after the Reunification Day of Vietnam. "Our teacher-student bond, which has lasted over 40 years and is tied to numerous agricultural research projects, means that to me, he was not just a brilliant scientist and a genuine friend to farmers, but also someone who inspired many generations of students and research experts with his passion for creativity," said Engineer Ho Quang Cua.

According to Engineer Ho Quang Cua, Prof. Dr. Xuan worked tirelessly. Even two years ago, after suffering a heart attack and facing declining health, he would resume his travels as soon as he felt better, moving from province to province to discuss agricultural issues. He would accompany farmers on boats into remote areas and wade through muddy fields to study the growth of new rice varieties. Wherever he went, Professor Xuan was dedicated to researching high-quality rice varieties, increasing yields, and reducing pests and diseases. His ultimate goal was to enhance farming efficiency and improve the livelihoods and prosperity of farmers.

Engineer Ho Quang Cua recalled that he and Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan became closely involved with rice cultivation during the "brown plant-hopper epidemic." In 1976, when rice fields across the Mekong Delta were ravaged by brown plant-hoppers, Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan, along with students from Can Tho University, dedicated themselves to finding brown plant-hopper-resistant rice varieties to help farmers. They experimented with nearly 1,000 seeds of different rice types—ranging from floating rice (deep-water rice) to long- and short-duration varieties—eventually multiplying them across large areas. After two crop seasons, these resistant rice varieties completely eradicated the brown plant-hopper infestation.

"It might sound simple, but it was a long and determined effort by Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan," Engineer Ho Quang Cua explained. "Initially, he used telegrams to request plant-hopper-resistant rice seeds from his friends at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). These seeds, sent in a few envelopes, were sown, initially yielding 4 kilograms, and eventually expanded to nearly 2,000 kilograms. This was one of his significant contributions, helping the Mekong Delta's rice fields overcome the brown plant-hopper disaster, and boosting food production in the years after the country's reunification."

The story of the first fragrant rice varieties introduced to Soc Trang is deeply rooted in the close collaboration between Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan, who brought the KDM 105 rice variety to Vietnam, and engineer Ho Quang Cua. "Without Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan's unwavering dedication, the ST fragrant rice varieties we have today might not exist. In the early 1990s, the agricultural sector lacked funding. Thanks to Professor Xuan's support in providing seeds and covering expenses, we, the technical staff, were able to manage and cultivate the seeds," shared Engineer Ho Quang Cua.

Endless concern for the Delta

After 2000, even in retirement, Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan's dedication to the Mekong Delta and his "aspiration to spread knowledge across the rice field" never waned. He continued to serve as the Rector of An Giang University and later as the Rector of Nam Can Tho University. In every conversation, he would passionately express his concerns about the delta region, believing that only by improving education could a generation of knowledgeable farmers be cultivated. These farmers would break free from small-scale, traditional practices and join forces to form cooperatives, enabling them to compete in larger markets.

Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan always advocated for local governments to recognize new-style cooperatives as essential tools for supporting advanced production methods and ensuring beneficial trade transactions for farmers. Beyond being a talented and dedicated scientist, Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan was known for his affability, methodical work ethic, and simple way of living.

Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan (center) during a visit to the ST fragrant rice fields in Soc Trang Province

Mr. Nguyen Phuong Lam, Director of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) - Can Tho Branch, shared, “On numerous occasions when traveling abroad with Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan, while others would rest after the airport procedures, Prof. Dr. Xuan would remain at work, often using his computer. He did not have an assistant and would occasionally even take on interpretation tasks for the delegation, never shying away from any responsibility. His passing is akin to the extinguishing of a guiding light. The scientific community, intellectuals, and the agricultural sector in Vietnam will always be deeply grateful for his contributions.”

Danh Quoc Cuong, a Khmer from the Southern region who currently manages an interpretation company in the Mekong Delta and studied in Australia over a decade ago, recalls how agricultural students from various countries sought out Prof. Vo Tong Xuan’s books.

“When I visited the library, I felt immense pride seeing numerous books by Prof. Vo Tong Xuan on rice cultivation. It wasn’t just Vietnamese students; many international students also turned to his books as valuable resources for research and practical application in agriculture,” Cuong said. This highlights how Prof. Vo Tong Xuan’s name and contributions have been recognized and appreciated worldwide.

On August 20, Mr. Nguyen Van Hieu, Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee, and other city leaders paid their respects to Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan at the Can Tho City Funeral Home.

In the condolence book, Mr. Tran Viet Truong, Vice Secretary of the City Party Committee and Chairman of the Can Tho City People's Committee, wrote, “We are deeply saddened by the passing of Hero of Labor, People's Teacher, and distinguished scientist Prof. Dr. Vo Tong Xuan—an eminent scholar, dedicated educator, and sincere friend to millions of Vietnamese farmers. We bid farewell with profound sorrow and respect.”

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