Particularly, from January 25 to February 1, supermarkets, including Co.opmart, BigC, Aeon, Citimart-Aeon, VinMart, and Lotte Mart will open from 7a.m to 11p.m; from 6a.m to mid night on February 2 and 3; and from 6a.m to noon on February 4. Supermarkets will reopen from 8a.m to noon from February 6 to 9. From February 10, all supermarkets will resume operation as usual. In addition, some supermarkets will not close during Tet holidays.
In order to lessen pressure caused by sudden increase in the number of customers, supermarkets have added 30 percent more of their staff as well as trolleys and shopping baskets. They will also make use of the lobby spaces to put more shelves and goods to provide their customers with more options.
At traditional markets, market management boards said that they would ask local authorities to allow traders to extend their opening hours to 6 or 7p.m instead of 5p.m during the days before Tet. After January 28, management boards of some markets have also allowed traders to open until 9p.m. According to general regulations, all markets will close before noon on February 4 for cleaning.
Businesses have been striving to increase the numbers of places to sell Tet goods. Along with a network of 4,209 places distributing price stabilization goods, businesses will collaborate with the People’s committees of districts, the Women’s unions and Youth unions to increase vendors to remote areas in the city, industrial parks and industrial processing zones to ensure consumers’ access to price mobilization goods. The Department of Transport cooperates with the Department of Industry and Trade to grant 24/24 circulation licenses to businesses in the price stabilization program for them to timely transport goods to selling places.