Over half a million alcohol violations in six months

On July 13, the Traffic Police Department under the Ministry of Public Security conducted an online conference to review their performance in the first half of 2024 for traffic police nationwide.

During the conference, Major General Nguyen Van Trung (Director of the Traffic Police Department) reported that in the first six months, traffic police had checked and handled over 2.1 million cases of violations of traffic safety regulations on roads, railways, and waterways, resulting in fines totaling over VND4 trillion. Additionally, they revoked more than 400,000 driver's licenses, certificates, and professional qualifications. Of these violations, more than 500,000 cases involved drivers exceeding alcohol limits, and nearly 3,000 drivers tested positive for drugs.

In the first half of the year, more than 12,300 traffic accidents occurred nationwide, killing over 5,300 people. Law enforcement agencies have initiated legal proceedings against 16 cases involving over 170 individuals. For the remaining six months of 2024, the Ministry of Public Security leadership has urged the nationwide traffic police force to continue implementing measures to reduce traffic congestion and accidents, intensify alcohol and drug testing, and leverage digital technology in incident handling.

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