More patients unsatisfactory with medical services

Low levels of satisfaction with medical services at public hospitals increased amongst patients, according to surveys.

The chart shows patients' level of dissatisfaction with medical services in 2022 and 2023

The automatic survey system placed at public hospitals in 2023 recorded 12,522 patients were dissatisfied with medical services at public hospitals, an increase of 18.46 percent compared to 2022 with 10,571 patients.

The Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City yesterday announced the results of a survey of patient dissatisfaction at medical examination departments of public hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City in 2023. Some 12,522 respondents showed their unsatisfactory behaviors to the services provided by state hospitals, an increase of 18.46 percent compared to 2022 but the number showed a decrease of 31.91 percent compared to 2020 with 18,395 unsatisfactory patients.

According to the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City, the number of dissatisfied patients when visiting public hospitals in 2023 increased compared to 2022 and mainly increased in the first 6 months of 2023. The last 6 months of 2023 saw a decrease of 2.17 percent compared to the same period in 2022.

The survey has shown that people are unsatisfied with the medical examination registration procedure. Approximately 2,125 respondents reported their unhappiness with registration procedures, an increase of 33.56 percent. Meanwhile, around 1,179 respondents reported their disappointment with health insurance examination procedures, an increase of 27.46 percent. Moreover, patients are also unhappy with unhygienic toilets, information guidance for patients, and seats while waiting for their turns to see doctors.

Faced with this situation, the Department of Health recommends that hospitals continue to promote and maintain surveys of patient dissatisfaction at medical examination departments to improve quality for patients’ satisfaction which will be used as a basis for the evaluation of the completion of hospitals' tasks every year.

In addition, hospitals are required to have more effective improvement solutions to reduce people's dissatisfaction, especially in registration and health insurance examination procedures, doctors’ examination and behaviors and communications of staff in healthcare facilities with patients.

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