Ministries tasked to remove obstacles in imports of FA-containing products

Related ministries were tasked to remove obstacles in imports of precursor substance Formic Acid (FA).

Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long

The Government Office yesterday issued document number 6254/VPCP-KGVX regarding the licensing of the import and export, as well as the management of products containing the FA.

As per the document, Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long has tasked the Ministry of Industry and Trade to oversee the licensing process for the import and export of products containing the precursor Formic Acid. This action is in accordance with the Law on Drug Prevention and Control, as well as Decree No. 105/2021/ND-CP, Decree No. 57/2022/ND-CP issued by the Government, along with other pertinent legal frameworks.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is to take immediate action in reviewing and recommending suitable management measures to the relevant authorities concerning precursor substances utilized in animal feed, aquaculture feed, and various agricultural products.

Furthermore, Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long has directed the Ministry of Public Security to lead efforts, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Ministry of Finance, to conduct a thorough review and propose necessary amendments and additions to relevant legal documents.

This initiative aims to create a solid foundation for the regulation of animal feed and aquaculture feed that contains precursor substances, ensuring coherence and compliance with legal standards pertaining to drug prevention and control, chemicals, animal husbandry, and aquaculture.

Recently, some companies importing animal feed containing the precursor Formic Acid have faced quite a few difficulties. Many businesses importing raw materials used in animal feed and aquaculture feed contain Formic Acid, which is listed in the IVB precursor category issued with Decree 57/2022/ND-CP regulating the list of narcotic substances and precursors.

Customs authority has also faced difficulties in determining whether raw materials for animal feed containing precursor substances such as Formic Acid and mixtures containing precursors fall under the management of precursor substances according to the provisions of the Law on Drug Prevention and Control.

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