Low birth rate, rapid population aging seen in HCMC

The Ho Chi Minh City Health Department yesterday announced that the city is classified among the 21 provinces and cities with low birth rates nationwide.

sinh con.webp
Low birth rate, rapid population aging is seen in HCMC

Specifically, in 2023, the average number of children per woman of childbearing age in the city was 1.32. Given the high urbanization rate, prolonged low birth rates can lead to significant consequences such as rapid population aging, labor shortages, and impacts on social welfare.

Currently, HCMC is entering a phase of population aging, with over 1.1 million people aged 60 and above (accounting for 12.05 percent of the population). Population aging in the city is greatly influenced by low birth rates, low mortality rates, and increasing average life expectancy. Longer post-retirement lifespans are putting pressure on the healthcare system and pension support.

Population aging also results in a decline in the working-age population, leading to changes in occupational structures and increased economic burdens on younger workers.

Addressing these challenges adequately will be crucial for the city’s future development.

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