Little woman with giant power – job seekers’ hope

President of the Vietnamese Student Association in the UK (SVUK) Ha Phuong Anh is a dynamic, enthusiastic figure. Using her network and knowledge, she has provided help to many Vietnamese students finding their job when studying abroad.

After attending the final round of SVUK Talent show (seeking talented Vietnamese students currently learning in the UK) on June 2, Ha Phuong Anh rushed back home to prepare for her student exchange trip to Beijing Normal University.

Having lived in England for four years, Phuong Anh is now a second-year student majoring in Development Study and Chinese Language of SOAS University of London. She was elected as the President of SVUK in 2022.

Despite leading a busy life, Phuong Anh accepted that her work is meaningful in that it can help her accumulate experience, acquire practical skills, and become more capable when living in a foreign environment.

Her duty includes such nameless but demanding tasks as encouraging Vietnamese students here to take part in events, searching for the most suitable site for events on campus to save money.

Aware that students from Liverpool, Manchester, Edinbourg find it costly and time-consuming to travel to London just to participate in an event, Phuong Anh proposed a financial aid of £10 per person. She also suggested a help of £100 per football team when joining in a football tournament for students in a city Northern of England.

However, Phuong Anh admitted that it is now not easy to ask for sponsorship from businesses since these enterprises want to know what benefits they can gain besides improving their reputation. SVUK under her suggestion has offered to become a bridge between local businesses and Vietnamese job seekers.

At present, the Executive Board of SVUK has over 100 CVs of Vietnamese students in the UK. These valuable data are stored securely and under the direct supervision of Phuong Anh.

“SVUK plays the role of a link between students and enterprises because it clearly understands the needs of the former to find a job and the demands of the latter in recruitment. We skim and categorize these CVs according to their working fields (STEM, economic-financial industry, etc.). This job, despite having just started at the beginning of this year, is so meaningful to the student community here. We plan to expand the scale of this activity via formal application forms, surveys, and connections to more businesses”, said Phuong Anh.

She further informed that there are now 14,000 – 15,000 Vietnamese students learning in the UK, but SVUK’s members are only 1,000. Nevertheless, she believes that in the future, SVUK can still establish a CV bank attractive to many companies as long as members in the Executive Board and the representatives of Vietnamese student communities in 14 universities in that country are still passionate with this task.

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