Job creation support loan accounts for highest proportion of city's policy loans

The State Bank of Vietnam- Ho Chi Minh City Branch said that the loan program to support job creation consistently has the highest outstanding loan balance among all policy loan programs of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) in the city.

Deputy Director of the State Bank of Vietnam- Ho Chi Minh City Branch Nguyen Duc Lenh on August 12 said that by the end of June 2024, the outstanding balance of the job creation support loan program reached VND8,466 billion (US$337 million), accounting for 73.8 percent on the total outstanding balance of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies in Ho Chi Minh City, with nearly 143,000 borrowers.

Over the past ten years, the loan program has disbursed nearly VND16,000 billion (US$637 million), with over 300,000 turns of customers who received loans to create jobs, earn income, improve their lives and escape the poverty.

Thereby, the program has significantly contributed to the result of not having any households living under the poverty according to the national poverty standard and reducing the rate of poor households in the city to below 0.5 percent during the passing time in accordance with Ho Chi Minh City's poverty standard.

As for the VND8,466- billion (US$337 million) loan balance for this program, the outstanding balance from the localities capital sources reached VND5,254 billion (US$209 million), accounting for 62 percent.

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