Health director visits private medical facilities in HCMC for evaluation

Health director Tang Chi Thuong yesterday paid visits to perform an evaluation of measles vaccination practices at private immunization centers in Ho Chi Minh City.

Parents take their children to Long Chau facility for vaccination

Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health Associate Professor Tang Chi Thuong and his delegation yesterday dropped by non public medical facilities to evaluate vaccination administration in District 8 which is one of districts with high cases of measles during the free measles vaccination campaign for children aged 1-10 years old. The campaign takes place from September 16.

After the southern metropolis declared a measles outbreak across the city due to a rapid increase in cases, it launched a gratis measles vaccination campaign for children aged 1-10 years old.

Visiting Long Chau Vaccination Center in Pham On Hien Street in District 8, Associate Professor Tang Chi Thuong praised Long Chau immunization Center's experience in conducting safe immunization with high quality vaccination services.

Preliminarily, roughly 132 children came to the FPT Long Chau Vaccination Center for vaccination across the city in one day after the launch of the vaccination campaign; of 132 children citywide, 16 children in District 8 were taken to the facility for immunization. Initially, the city health watchdog assessed that this program has drawn the public attention; therefore, the campaign will continue to be held in close coordination with health centers in districts, according to Director Tang Chi Thuong.

thuong- long chau.webp
Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health, Associate Professor Tang Chi Thuong (C) at Long Chau facility

According to Associate Professor Tang Chi Thuong, the VNVC Vaccination Center District 8 in Pham The Hien Street is one of the 39 VNVC vaccination centers in the city that are taking part in the measles vaccination campaign. The VNVC has state-of-the-art, hygienic, and generously sized facilities, and the safe vaccination process adheres to the Ministry of Health's guidelines.

VNVC has a good screening and emergency treatment process after vaccination, people can go to centers like VNVC for safe vaccination, increasing the effectiveness of the campaign.

Director of the VNVC Vaccination System Bach Thi Chinh reported that on the inaugural day of VNVC's measles vaccination initiative in Ho Chi Minh City, nearly 200 children received the MRVAC measles vaccine at no cost. The vaccinations primarily took place in suburban districts including districts 12, Binh Tan, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh, and Cu Chi.

Since the beginning of September 2024, the 39 VNVC vaccination centers in Ho Chi Minh City have administered over 30,000 doses of measles-containing vaccines to children under the age of 10. This significant achievement plays a crucial role in Ho Chi Minh City's efforts to control and combat the measles outbreak this year.

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