HCMC advocates for risk management reform in state-owned enterprises

The HCMC delegation of National Assembly deputies yesterday organized a meeting to discuss the draft Law on state capital and management of state-owned enterprises.

Deputy Head Ha Phuoc Thang of the HCMC Delegation of National Assembly deputies is chairing the meeting (Photo: SGGP)

During the meeting, Tran Van Huy, representing Saigontourist Holding Company (Saigontourist), called for the legalization of risk management in state-owned enterprises. He emphasized that risks can arise not only from natural disasters and epidemics but also from wars and policy changes.

Therefore, the draft law should define concepts such as risk, risk tolerance, risk management, and outline provisions for risk prevention, control, and monitoring processes. Such regulations would minimize risks in both operation and management of enterprises. Additionally, defining risk limits would clarify the roles and responsibilities of managers in safeguarding the assets entrusted to them or their organizations.

Deputy General Director Vu Ngoc Nam of SaiGon Industry Corporation (CNS) suggested that the law should include provisions for preserving and developing state capital in state-owned enterprises. He cited the example of a high-risk research project in Russia by CNS, involving the development of a nine-blade wind turbine, with an investment of VND270 billion (US$10.83 million).

If unsuccessful, this pioneering project could result in a loss of capital. Therefore, there should be principles to protect officials who take risks, especially in pioneering projects with high risk.

Concluding the meeting, Deputy Head Ha Phuoc Thang of the HCMC Delegation of National Assembly deputies expressed gratitude for the valuable input and assured the participants that the suggestions would be conveyed to the National Assembly.

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