Binh Thuan tackles doctor shortage with new policies, incentives

In recent years, public hospitals in Binh Thuan Province have faced a significant challenge, with many doctors resigning, impacting healthcare services for the community.

Health workers of Binh Thuan Province organize vaccination during the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to incomplete data, nearly 130 doctors have resigned from public hospitals in Binh Thuan Province over the past few years. At the Phan Thiet City Medical Center alone, six doctors resigned in the first half of 2024.

The primary cause of this situation is the low salaries, which are inadequate to meet the doctors' living expenses.

To address the shortage of medical staff in public hospitals, the Binh Thuan Provincial People's Council has issued Resolution No.12, which outlines policies for supporting the training, recruitment, and employee benefits of healthcare professionals in the region.

Doctors who commit to working at public facilities in the health, labor, war invalids, and social affairs sectors will receive a one-time allowance of VND600 million for university degrees, VND700 million for residency doctors, master’s degrees, and level I specialists, and VND800 million for doctoral degrees and level II specialists.

Additionally, Binh Thuan Province is considering measures to address cases where doctors resign or abandon their positions after being hired and obtaining their medical practice certificates.

On the other hand, sending students for medical training, with commitments to work in specific locations through contracts between the health sector and individuals, should include clear provisions on responsibilities and regulations on compensation for training costs. This approach is necessary to ensure that policies on incentives and training for local healthcare professionals are effective.

In fact, to retain doctors in public healthcare facilities, healthcare institutions need to provide not only the prescribed incentives but also favorable working conditions and a supportive environment to ensure doctors feel secure and motivated in their roles.

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