Authorities uncover nearly 900 cases of sugar smuggling within two years

Since last year to the end of the first nine months of this year, authorities have inspected and handled 876 violations nationwide, fined more than VND1 billion for administrative violations and seized more than 3,000 tons of sugar worth more than VND12 billion.
The National Steering Committee for Combating Smuggling, Commercial Fraud and Counterfeit Goods on October 30 held a conference to discuss solutions to fight against sugar smuggling. The event also aimed to resolve difficulties for Vietnam’s sugar industry in order to put forward radical solutions amid the situation that smuggling and illegal transporting of sugar through the border still continues to happen complicatedly and increasingly.

Within nearly two years, authorities have uncovered 876 violations across the nation, slapped penalty of more than VND1 billion for administrative violations and impounded more than 3,000 tons of sugar which mainly were transporting and trading smuggled sugar, labelling violations and unclear origin.
Smuggled sugar mainly comes from Thailand, going through Cambodia then enters Vietnam’s market.

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