23 works win the 2023 Science and Technology Journalism Award

The Ministry of Science and Technology today presented awards to 23 winning works of the 2023 Science and Technology Journalism Award.

At the ceremony

Today’s ceremony to award press awards on Science and Technology in 2023 saw the presence of leaders of the National Assembly’s Science-Technology and Environment Committee, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Vietnam Journalists Association, along with members of the Organizing Committee, Preliminary Council, Press Award Final Council, numerous leaders and reporters of central and local press agencies.

The Science and Technology Journalism Award is organized annually by the Ministry of Science and Technology to honor authors with excellent journalistic works on Science and Technology. This is the recognition of the Ministry of Science and Technology in honoring journalists who have made their best efforts to write about the results of science and technology activities in the country’s development.

After 12 years of organization and implementation, the Minister of Science and Technology issued Decision No. 2644/QD-BKHCN amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Regulations on Journalism Awards of Science and Technology on November 20, 2023.

One of the new points of Decision 2644/QD-BKHCN is that for the first time, science and technology journalism awards consider photojournalism and press agencies. Authors directly submit their works to the committee instead of the standing agency as before. However, as per the new regulations, journalism works that have won national journalism awards from central ministries and agencies are not eligible to participate in this year's award.

Winning authors at the awardds ceremony

Following the success of previous years, the 2023 Science and Technology Press Awards continue to receive the participation of many central and local press agencies. According to the assessment of the Award Council, in general, the works reflect all aspects of science and technology activities of scientists, localities, businesses as well as people. Plus, the works have reflected the practical contents of socio-economic life. Some works are of good quality when the articles show profound elaboration on topical topics, and the reviews and comments reflect the requirements and impacts of science and technology activities.

Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association Nguyen Duc Loi who is the Chairman of the Final Council of the 2023 Science and Technology Press Award, said that the Press Award has affirmed its role as an intellectual playground for reporters and editors interested in science and technology.

In addition, many press agencies and journalists innovate their forms of expression to keep up with common trends. These are the trends convergence, multimedia, multi-platform, digital integration; mobile journalism, data journalism, creative journalism, podcasts, and artificial intelligence. Modern journalistic works such as Megastory, longform and e-magazine in electronic newspapers continue to be promoted, Mr. Nguyen Duc Loi emphasized.

Through two rounds of preliminary and final judging, there were 23 works and groups of works approved and awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology. For instance, the print newspaper category had one first prize, two second prizes, one third prize, two encourage prizes while the electronic newspaper category had one first prize, one second prize, one third prize and two consolation prizes.

Additionally, the television category has one first prize, two second prizes, one third prize, and two consolation prizes. In addition, the Radio category has one first prize, one second prize, one third prize, one consolation prize and the photojournalism category has two consolation prizes.

The winning authors and author groups receive the 2023 Science and Technology Journalism Award Cup, Certificates and rewards from the Award Organizing Committee. Among them, the series of articles ‘Rugged in the way of innovative startups’ of Saigon Giai Phong Newspaper written by the author group Tran Luu, Tan Ba, and Xuan Quynh won second prize in the print newspaper category.

Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Nguyen Hoang Giang congratulated 68 authors of 23 works, groups of works of 5 types of journalism. According to the Deputy Minister, these are works and groups of works that converge many excellent elements. The authors and reporters put a lot of effort into writing such articles to have a positive impact on social life, attracting the attention of the public. Social commentary has been evaluated and selected by councils at all levels.

Officially launching the 2024 Press Awards on Science and Technology, Deputy Minister Nguyen Hoang Giang said that 2024 is the year marking an important milestone - the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Following closely to the Party's policies, the National Assembly's Resolutions and the Government's guidelines, the Science and Technology sector will focus on synchronously implementing many solutions so that science and technology can meet practical development requirements to become a new driving force for growth, economic restructuring and international integration from 2024 and the following years.

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