Top leader to attend UN General Assembly session, pay State visit to Cuba

During the UN General Assembly's working visit, General Secretary and President To Lam will speak at the Summit of the Future and the general debate session of the 79th UN General Assembly, along with holding several sideline bilateral meetings.

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, State President To Lam
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, State President To Lam

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, State President To Lam, along with his wife and a high-level Vietnamese delegation, will take part in the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), work in the United States, as well as paying a State visit to Cuba from September 21-27.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the visits on Thursday.

This is the first multilateral foreign activity of the top leader in his new position at the at the largest and most important global multilateral forum.

The activities at the UNGA take place in the context of the 50th anniversary of the relationship between Vietnam and the United Nations, a relationship which is flourishing and is constantly growing deeper and stronger, according to spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pham Thu Hang, at a press briefing in Hanoi.

Vietnam is becoming increasingly more proactive and active, making substantive and extensive contributions to all UN key activities related to peacekeeping, security and development cooperation, she said.

"Vietnam has been assuming critical positions within the UN body and contributing significantly to the regional and global cooperation processes," the spokesperson added.

Regarding the US visit, spokesperson Pham Thu Hang said after the first anniversary of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and the United States, the two countries have together achieved many successes, facilitating peace, stability, security and prosperity in the region and in the world.

The two have maintained contacts at multiple high levels, as well as launching several new dialogue mechanisms.

Vietnam is currently the US's eighth largest trading partner and sixth largest import market.

"The two countries are effectively implementing areas of cooperation and unlocking cooperation potential in such areas as security and defense, education and training and high technologies, including semiconductor and artificial intelligence.

"We also continue to coordinate closely with the multilateral forums and mechanisms while sustainably collaborating in response to common regional and global challenges," she said.

The State visit to Cuba, General Secretary and President To Lam's first to the Latin American country since being elected as Vietnamese top leader, is made at the invitation of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez and his wife.

"The time-tested solidarity and special bonds of friendships between Vietnam and Cuba is a precious treasure that most parties face and people cherish and continue to nurture across all channels," spokesperson Pham Thu Hang noted.

Both countries maintain strong bilateral contacts and exchange of delegations at all levels, particularly high level and Party-to-Party relations have been continuously amplified.

"The Vietnam-Cuba Inter-Government Committee mechanism is managing many crucial areas of cooperation on rice supply, staple food production, healthcare and pharmaceuticals."

"Vietnam is currently the second-largest Asian trading partner of Cuba and the largest foreign investor from Asia into Cuba. The two countries also actively advocate and support each other at multilateral forums, particularly the United Nations," she said.


During the UN General Assembly's working visit, General Secretary and President To Lam will appear at the Summit of the Future and the general debate session of the 79th UN General Assembly and hold several bilateral side meetings.

It is also expected that during the working trip in New York, General Secretary and President To Lam will have talks and meet with leaders of the state authority, Congress Party, some leaders of the departments of the US and several foreign activities.

During the Cuba visit, Vietnamese top leader will have official talks with First Secretary and President Miguel Diaz-Canel, President of the National Assembly of the People's Power Juan Esteban Lazo Hernandez, and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz.

General Secretary and President To Lam will also pay a visit to General Raul Modesto Castro Ruz, who served as the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, as well as engage in other diplomatic activities.

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