Subscriber identification used to eliminate junk SIM cards, spamming calls

The Telecoms Authority yesterday discussed possible measures to handle junk SIM cards and spamming calls in MIC’s regular press conference.


Deputy Director Nguyen Phong Nha of the Telecoms Authority (under the Ministry of Information and Communications – MIC) informed that from April 15, 2024, all telecoms businesses take full responsibility if the number of new SIM cards under their charge are developed not in compliance with current regulations.

When a violation is detected, MIC’s Inspectorate is going to apply suitable punishments to the highest level of forbidding the related business from having new subscribers. Meanwhile, a written warning will be sent to that enterprise, along with a corresponding report sent to the Prime Minister.

Deputy Director Nha further stated that after receiving feedback from the public lately, MIC has directed its units (the Telecoms Authority, the Inspectorate) to verify the reported cases. Preliminary verification results show that these cases all have necessary subscriber information.

At present, concerned telecoms businesses are asked to explain certain content in those cases and review the status of existing subscribers. It has been discovered that about 6 million subscribers own 4-9 SIM cards.

Besides actively trying to handle SIM cards with imprecise subscription information and to raise the public’s awareness via propaganda programs, MIC is simultaneously adopting various administrative and technical measures to stop spamming calls from fixed-line numbers.

It is considering launching Voice Brandname and hotlines for state agencies like the police, the court, and the People's Procuracy to use in communication with the community.

Right now, MIC is working with the Public Security Ministry to issue an identification for police units. MIC has also directed telecoms enterprises to do the same to their official hotlines for customer care. These businesses are asked to cooperate to stop spamming calls from fixed-line numbers.

In the upcoming time, MIC is going to review and supplement legal regulations while instructing network carriers to apply suitable technological methods to minimize the spread of spamming calls from fixed-line numbers.

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