Two cases of pertussis have been detected in Quang Ngai Province

The Quang Ngai Provincial Department of Health today held a meeting with hospitals and relevant units to discuss the two cases that tested positive for pertussis and preventive measures against the disease.

Health workers spray chemical to disinfect the area where the patients live

Accordingly, the two pertussis cases recently recorded in Quang Ngai City are a baby over 2 months old in Group 3 of Quang Phu Ward and a 5-month-old baby in Group 1 of Tran Phu Ward. Of these, 2-month-old baby has not received the pertussis vaccine. In contrast, a 5-month-old baby has received one dose of the 5-in-1 DPT-VGB-HIB vaccine against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B, and Hib meningitis.

According to the epidemiological investigation, in early July, both children exhibited severe coughing symptoms. Their families took them to the provincial Women's and Children's Hospital for treatment, and subsequently, to the Da Nang Women's and Children's Hospital. Due to the suspicion that the babies were infected with pertussis, the hospital collected samples for testing. On July 16, the Nha Trang Pasteur Institute reported that both patients tested positive for pertussis via PCR.

As soon as the pertussis test results came back positive, the Quang Ngai City Health Center conducted a screening and identified 24 individuals who had close contact with the two babies. Currently, none of these individuals have exhibited any suspected symptoms and they have been given preventive antibiotics and are being monitored for their health.

This morning, the Department of Health held a meeting with hospitals, health centers, and relevant units to implement measures to prevent pertussis.

Deputy Director Dr. Phan Minh Dan of the Quang Ngai Provincial Department of Health said that since 2020, pertussis has re-emerged in Quang Ngai. After the Covid-19 pandemic, there have also been outbreaks of respiratory diseases such as measles, diphtheria, and pertussis. Additionally, the inadequate supply of vaccines in the province has increased the likelihood of outbreaks in the local area.

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis spreads easily from person to person mainly through droplets produced by coughing or sneezing. The disease is most dangerous in infants and is a significant cause of disease and death in this age group.

At the meeting, the Deputy Director of the Quang Ngai Provincial Department of Health requested the Provincial Disease Control Center, Quang Ngai City Health Center, and ward health stations to continue monitoring and screening related cases. For the Quang Ngai Women's and Children's Hospital, it is essential to pay close attention to vaccination and implement disease prevention and control measures.

Local authorities must implement stringent measures to prevent and control pertussis, conduct training on disease prevention, and promptly identify and isolate suspected cases for treatment and prophylactic treatment. Timely and proper containment and treatment of outbreaks should be carried out to control and prevent the disease from spreading within the community.

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