Health brief

Vietnamese doctors saved a 14-year-old Cambodian child after a near-fatal traffic accident in Ho Chi Minh City's Cu Chi District.

Vietnamese doctors saved a 14-year-old Cambodian child after a near-fatal traffic accident in Ho Chi Minh City's Cu Chi District.

The boy, Chanh Rieng, was taken to the district’s General Hospital after losing consciousness and pulse.  Doctors conducted surgery removing 30 percent of the boy’s liver and transfusing 14 units of blood during the operation. The boy is still alive but remains in critical condition.

In related news, a woman died after a failed cesarean operation in Quang Ngai Province on February 7.

The mother died of blood loss, said Director of the Department of Health in Quang Ngai Province Nguyen Tan Duc. The even happened in Dang Thuy Tram General Hospital in Duc Pho District.

Medical staffs currently have no clear explanation to cause the sudden death.

A council will investigate the cause of the death.

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