In the conference, Acting Head Nguyen Thi Thu Suong of the Science Management Division (under the municipal Department of Science and Technology) highlighted common errors made by project leaders such as the omission of departmental information in published works.
She emphasized the importance of project leaders uploading sufficient information about approved projects to the host organization and developing contractor selection plans (if applicable).
The HCMC Science and Technology Department will reject final accounts for bidding contracts in violation of the approved plan on choosing contractors, unless prior approval for amendments has been obtained.
According to the guidelines for preparing and finalizing the budget for science and technology tasks financed by the Fund of the HCMC Science and Technology Development, the lead unit must submit a final account at least 30 days before the appraisal and acceptance.
Following the evaluation results from the appraisal and acceptance advisory board, the managing unit finalizes the data according to Form BM-KHTC-04 and sends it to the lead unit for confirmation. The lead unit must return the confirmed form within five days at the latest, and the managing unit must complete the final accounting within five days thereafter.