Harsh punishment to be imposed on pharmacies selling bad nutritional supplements

Harsh punishment will be issued on pharmacies selling poor-quality nutritional supplements under a direction of the deputy chairman of the city People's Committee.
Deputy Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh People’s Committee Duong Anh Duc requested the Food Safety Management Authority of HCMC to increase supervision on sale of nutritional supplement.
Moreover, the Food Safety Management Authority of HCMC should coordinate with relevant competent departments and local administrations to ensure food safety and prevention of food poisoning in flea markets or food stalls in sidewalk.
Simultaneously, the Food Safety Management Authority must work with the Department of Health and related agencies to pay visit to drug stores and private healthcare facilities to check the quality of nutritional supplement for protection of consumers’ health.
The Food Safety Management Authority will consult the municipal People’s Committee about the establishment of a professional organization on food safety before the Food Safety Management Authority must end its pilot activities. Based on the consultation,  city authorities will send its submission to the Prime Minister proposing the establishment of a professional organization on food safety.

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