Formerly incarcerated individuals can access loans

Thanks to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 22 issued in August 2023, formerly incarcerated individuals who have completed their sentences can access loans with preferential interest rates.

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Many ex-prisoners ask for loans at a local bank

In the Central Province of Quang Nam, shortly after the implementation of the compassionate policy, numerous individuals benefited from preferential loans aimed at facilitating vocational training, enhancing production activities, and stabilizing their livelihoods.

The policy outlined in Decision No. 22/2023/QĐ-TTg by the Prime Minister aims to enhance access to preferential loans for entrepreneurial activities for individuals who have served their sentences. This initiative reflects the compassionate approach of the Party and the State, allowing former inmates to rebuild their lives through financial assistance for productive enterprises.

In Quang Nam Province, the police force has partnered with local authorities and proactive organizations to successfully implement this policy, ensuring that rehabilitated individuals can access policy loans.

A notable example is the husband of Ms. Thu Thuy from Tam Son Commune, who previously faced legal issues and served a prison sentence. He has recently reintegrated into the community and is committed to making amends for his past actions while contributing to his family's economic growth.

Understanding the capital needs of Ms. Thuy’s family, the local police in Tam Son commune collaborated with community organizations to survey and guide her to access preferential loans according to Decision 22 of the Prime Minister. With attentive guidance, Ms. Thuy successfully borrowed VND100 million (US$4,018) from the District Social Policy Bank.

Upon receiving the amount, Ms. Thuy was touched saying that this program is very meaningful for her family. The VND100 million loan will help improve the family’s lives. She planned to use the money to plant the family’s keo forest.

As outlined in Decision No. 22, individuals who have served their prison sentences, along with businesses that hire them, are eligible to obtain loans from the Social Policy Bank. These loans are intended to facilitate vocational training, production, business operations, and the creation of job opportunities.

The highest loan amount available for vocational training is VND 4 million per individual each month. For production, business, and job creation, the maximum loan is VND 100 million per person, VND 2 billion per project, and no more than VND 100 million per employee at the facility. The interest rate for these loans aligns with the rate designated for loans to the impoverished, which is currently set at 6.6 percent annually.

The important thing for individuals who have completed their prison sentences and wish to borrow money is to comply with legal regulations. Those who meet the criteria can express their intentions to the local People’s Committee or the district-level police to access funding sources promptly. They can also receive assistance and guidance regarding relevant procedures and documentation

Chairman Tran Cong Hieu of Tam Son Commune People’s Committee believed that the PM’s Decision 22 regarding loans for individuals who have completed their prison sentences is a commendable and compassionate initiative. This decision facilitates the reintegration of rehabilitated individuals into society and enhances their quality of life.

The Chairman of the Tam Son Commune People’s Committee further shares that there is significant demand for policy loans among those who have completed their sentences in the local area. However, according to the provisions of Decision 22, the loan eligibility period is limited to individuals who have not served more than 5 years of imprisonment, which restricts the eligible borrowers.

Therefore, the local government seeks to encourage interest from different levels and sectors to broaden the criteria for loan eligibility. This initiative is intended to enable a greater number of individuals who have served their prison sentences in the community to obtain funding.

Ms. Le Thi Kim Anh, Deputy Director of the Social Policy Bank branch in Quang Nam Province, reported that following the enactment of the Decision 22, the bank has partnered with local law enforcement to conduct awareness initiatives, extend support, and provide guidance. These efforts aim to facilitate access to financial resources for families of individuals who have served their prison sentences.

By the end of the second quarter of 2024, the Social Policy Bank in Quang Nam Province has disbursed loans to 156 clients, totaling VND8.7 billion.

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