The model of enhancing value chain of processing products from coconut trees carried by Ben Tre Import, Export Joint Stock Company (Betrimex) officialy has been exchanged at the 4P program (Public-Private-Producers-Parnerships) in Rome City (Italy) held by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
The event aims to link between public-private and small medium producers, creating favorable condition for farmers to integrate into the market, sharing the responsibility, ensuring the benefit and improving economic conditions in rural areas.
According to the Ben Tre Coconut Association, Cononut plays important role in the province's economy covering over 63,000 ha however its value is not high and depending on foreign buyers. As result, farmers in the province have meet many difficulties in their lives.
As per this model, Betrimex has provided farmers with a certain volume of fertilizers per hectare of coconut trees and helped growers improve productivity. Besides, Betrimex has bought coconuts from growers at a price of VND 50,000 per dozen, helping them secure about their lives.
After one year, around 540 farmers have joined in the program, harvesting 4.4 million coconuts per year.