With Vietnamese people, sweet potato is very familiar since it is usually used as a favorable ingredient in many dishes, and the soup of sweet potato and flank meat is one of them.

Sweet potato is known as a very nourish food. It can not only improve health but also cure some sickness such as constipation, yellow skin or ulcer. Sweet potato contains a high content of calcium, manganese and some vitamins like A and B.
With some people, sweet potato reminds them so much about the memory of poverty, when there was not enough rice to eat, and sweet potato became the main food in daily meals.
Nowadays, sweet potato no longer appears as a food of poor life, but as a preferred snack. There are various ways to process sweet potato like baking, boiling, frying, and so on. Especially, when cooked with flank meat, sweet potato would show how best it tastes.
Making the soup of sweet potato and flank meat is quite easy. The dish only requires some simple ingredients, which are sweet potato, flank meat, celery and green onion.
There are many kinds of sweet potato, which are different in their colors. Normally, there are white, yellow and purple sweet potatoes. For this soup, we should choose the yellow one with red peel since it would give the best flavor.
Choose a good piece of flank meat, clean it and cut it into square pieces, then embalm with a little sugar, pepper and seasoned salt.
Peel the sweet potatoes, clean and cut them into square pieces with the size of a matchbox. Cut the celery as well as the green onion into small pieces.
Fry the flank meat with a little oil, then pour water into the pot and stew it for a while. When the flank meat is soft and done, put sweet potatoes in and cook within 15 minutes, then add celery and green onion and we finish making the soup.
The soup of flank meat and sweet potato can be enjoyed as an appetizer or used as a main dish with rice.
The soup has a natural sweet taste from sweet potato and flank meat, which is so refined and delicious. With its high nutritional value, the soup is a very good choice for daily meals, especially in these hot summer days.